Dear Online Marketer And Future Webinar Boss,
Right now, I have to assume that you have already purchased my ridiculously-inexpensive $10 webinar product and are starting to reap it's benefits.
Either that, or you already knew how to set up and run a webinar for profit (on purpose!), so you didn't need my help there.
Regardless, it's nice to have you here.
Continuing the story I shared with you earlier, once I started making money with my webinars, I found myself having success over and over again.
On the rare occasion that I my webinars didn't perform well, I would only find that out once on the webinar and engagement was lower or my income from sales was lower.
Sometimes, both engagement AND my profits took a hit…and I never knew exactly why.
Over time, what I recognized was that there had to be certain, specific actions that I took PRIOR TO and DURING each and every successful webinar. And if, for some reason, I didn't perform those actions, that must have been the reason I wasn't having the same outcome each time.
So...I made the decision to document everything.
Leading up to my next webinar, I wrote down the list of each action that I took in order to promote it.
That webinar was a success, thank the good Lord...
...but my work wasn't done.
I needed to drill down and figure out EXACTLY which parts of my routine made me money and which parts of my routine could be eliminated because they were not profit-producing.
Over the course of many months, I tried, tested, and tweaked EVERY move I made leading up to a webinar.
I took careful note of the things I did and said during my online trainings.
I scrutinized my behavior, my schedule, the types of posts I made on social media, and even the way I interacted with my family.
Are you getting the picture? If not...let me spell it out for you.
All my research into my OWN behavior led me to a starting discovery...
...and what I found out was downright revolutionary.
I had Discovered, Quite By Accident, How To Build A Six-Figure Brand!
See, during the course of all my trials, errors, and documentation, I'd earned over one hundred thousand dollars...and I did this in UNDER ONE YEAR.
Most people take "sometimey" action when they are first starting a home based business, and they are rarely sure of themselves.
But not me!
I didn't do that.
I took massive action, and I figure that that's why you are here, reading this letter, right now.
You're one of the rare people who knows that it takes something a little different to brand yourself and create an online marketing empire.
Seriously...You Don't Have To Struggle To Build
Awareness About Your Business
(I Can Help You Cut In Half The Time It Takes To Learn
How To Brand Yourself!)
Imagine what it would feel like if you could...
▪ Be The Center Of Attention In Your Niche
▪ Command Healthy Fees For Your Coaching Or Business Marketing Services
▪ Create Money On Demand For Yourself And Your Family
▪ Never, Ever Worry About Making Your Car, Mortgage, Or Mobile Phone Payment
▪ Have Complete Confidence In Your Marketing Abilities
What if you could create a brand worth six figures just like I did?
What if people came to you, knowing what services you offered, and they were ready to purchase before you even pitched them?
How would that feel?
Pretty amazing, right?
Well...that's what I want to offer to you, today.
But there's something you need to know, first, and it's this: Billion-dollar companies use webinars to help train new customers and also to get the word out about their new offerings.
The good thing for people like you and me is that the way that THEY brand works even better for small businesses because we tend to market person-to-person, and it just doesn't take as much work for us to turn a profit.
If you have any fear about running webinars, building your personal brand, or growing the brand of other businesses, that fear has zero basis.
Live webinars are the rage for home business owners.
All of that written, here is what is included in this training:
▪ The Five, Clear-Cut Steps To Building An Unforgettable Brand
▪ How To Create Service Offerings That Will Bring You Business Time And Time Again
▪ Simple-To-Understand Recordings That You Can Come Back To As Many Times As You Need
▪ PDF Transcripts Of Each Training In Case Reading Is More Your Style
▪ A Fool-Proof Checklist To Ensure That You Never Forget Each Step You Need To Take Leading Up To And During Your Webinars
People keep telling me that there is no way that I should offer this for less than $150...and I agree.
This training is just that valuable...
...but I have a heart for people, and I know what it feels like to need something, have the talent to "make it happen," but not have a whole lot of money to spend on your education.
My conscience would never allow me to charge that much.
Truth be told, even $50 is too much.
Instead, all of this is offered to you for only $27!