What Information Do You Collect And How Do You Collect It?
Nate O'Bryant dba Nate O'Bryant Marketing only contacts individuals who specifically request that we do so or in the event that they have signed up to receive our free newsletters or have purchased one of our products.
Nate O'Bryant Marketing collects personal identifying information from our users during online registration and online purchasing.
Generally, this information includes name and e-mail address for registration to receive our free newsletters and name, postal address, and credit card information when purchasing our products. All of this information is provided to us by you.
How Do We Use This Information?
This information is used for internal marketing purposes only. Nate O'Bryant Marketing does not sell, exchange, or release your personal information, such as name, e-mail address, mailing address, credit data, etc.
Your information is not shared with any other third party or company outside of billing and shipping purposes.
What Are Cookies And How Do We Use Them?
Cookies help track a person's "session" while online. By showing how and when our visitors use this Site, this information can help us to continue to improve our Site.
We will only use cookies to view information on your hard drive that was put there by a cookie from this Site. The use of cookies is an industry standard and many web sites use them. Cookies are stored on your computer and not on this Site.
If you do not wish to receive cookies or want to be notified of when they are placed, you may set your web browser to do so, if your browser so permits.
How Do We Store Your Information?
Your information is stored at the list server that delivers Nate O'Bryant or Nate O'Bryant Marketing.
Your information can only be accessed by those who help manage those lists in order to deliver e-mails to those who would like to receive Nate O'Bryant or Nate O'Bryant Marketing newsletters.
All of the newsletters that are sent to you by Nate O'Bryant Marketing Inc include an unsubscribe link in them.
You can remove yourself at any time from our newsletters by clicking on the unsubscribe link.
Refund Policy & Customer Remedy
Our company's entire liability, and the purchaser's exclusive remedy, shall be a refund of the price paid or replacement of our products, at our option.
We limit replacement to thirty days. All remedies are limited to the United States. For coaching services, virtual training programs and digital products, see below.
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability, so the above limitations may not apply to you.
Refund Policy For Coaching Services, Virtual Training & Digital Content
Unless otherwise stipulated on sales page, any coaching services, virtual training programs or digital content purchased and/or downloaded from Nate O'Bryant Marketing is not returnable nor refundable.
If you experience technical problems accessing our training areas, scheduling services, or accessing a download, then we will be happy to help you troubleshoot the problem.
It is the customer's responsibility to verify schedules, program guidelines and compatibility before purchase.
Legal Disclaimer
Every effort has been made to accurately represent our product and its potential. Any claims made of actual earnings or examples of actual results can be verified upon request.
The testimonials and examples used are exceptional results, they do not apply to the average purchaser, and are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results.
Each individual’s success depends on his or her background, dedication, desire, motivation and effort.
Be Aware Of Potential Risk
As with any business endeavor, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and there is no guarantee that you will earn any money or reach any goals you do not individually strive for.
Do not buy this if you think it will automatically make you happy and successful just because you bought it. You must take action to succeed.
As they say: “results not typical.” It really is up to you, I give you the tools and inspiration, your results will be proportional to the amount of effort and attention you give them.
Right To Update
This policy may be changed at any time at Nate O'Bryant Marketing discretion. If we should update this policy, we will post the updates to this page on our Website.
This policy was revised March 27th, 2015. The information and inspiration from this website, any and all live and recorded events and products are intended for inspirational and informational purposes only.
Copyrights & Licenses
This web site and information contains copyrighted material, trademarks, and other proprietary information.
You may not modify, publish, transmit, participate in the transfer or sale of, create derivative works of, on in any way exploit, in whole or in part, any proprietary or other material.
None of the images, text, contents, products and scripts are licensed and never sold, unless otherwise stated and reproduction is strictly prohibited.
You may not use, copy, emulate, clone, rent, lease, sell, modify, disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, transfer the licensed program or product, or any subset of the licensed program or product, except as provided for in this agreement or expressly in writing.
Any such unauthorized use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this authorization or issuance or license and may result in criminal and/or civil prosecution.
Seek Help When Necessary.
Our company reserves all rights not expressly granted here.
For technical support, please email us at breai@nateobryant.com